Airapi Architecht Open Banking and API Management Platform

API management platform that will create a competitive advantage in BKM Services, Open Banking and Service Banking strategies!

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  • HHS (Account Service Provider)
  • YÖS (Authorized Payment Service Provider)
  • Öİ (Request Payment)
  • Developer Portal
  • Management Portal
  • Identity Server
  • KYS (QR Code Routing Service)
  • API Gateway
  • Reporting
  • Display Panel
Why Airapi?
  • Most Comprehensive Solutions in Open Banking
    • Airapi allows you to easily integrate with various BKM services such as CBRT Open Banking, Request Payment, QR Code Management System. With its modular infrastructure, it facilitates obtaining certification for different BKM services according to the needs of the customer.
    • As our main partner Kuveyt Türk is among the top 10 banks, Airapi always supports the latest version in all BKM services and is among the first institutions to complete the certification process or certification transitions.
    • With this experience and expertise, institutions can easily complete their certification processes with 100% success by seamlessly integrating into the BKM system.
    • The Account Service Provider (ASP) module enables users to access their account information, open it to other banks in a controlled manner with effective management and initiate payments. APS certification tests have been automated and made easily available to our customers.
    • The YÖS module is designed to perform account and payment transactions over other bank accounts in a secure and fast manner. It is constantly updated in accordance with CBRT standards and facilitates companies' access to other bank accounts and payment processes.
    • Services such as BKM Request Payment and TR QR code integration are also available on Architecht Open Banking and API Management Platform: Airapi can be realized securely and effectively.
    • Open Banking and API Management Platform: Airapi supports various standards such as Berlin Group Standards, UK Open Banking, CBRT QMS Standards and DSSP (Data Sharing in the Field of Payment Services) Open Banking Standards.
  • Secure and Efficient API Management Platform
    • Airapi is a reliable platform preferred by many institutions such as banks, fintech companies, e-money and payment institutions that are industry leaders in API management and integration. You can manage your APIs securely and efficiently on a centralized platform and accelerate your integration processes.
    • Open Banking and API Management Platform: Airapi is a comprehensive and modular solution designed for banks, fintech companies and any organization that wants to open their APIs to the outside world. The platform allows institutions to manage their APIs from a single place, accelerating digital transformation processes with API Banking, Service Banking or API-based integrations.
    • It provides high security with various methods such as Authorization Code Flow, Client Credential, API-Key and Mutual TLS.
    • It optimizes API performance with API/Client/Env. based quota, IP whitelist and blacklist, rate limitation and timeout management.
    • It monitors and analyzes API performance with dashboard, traffic analyzer, audit logs and data masking.
    • Tools such as API design, Swagger, API versioning and test suite integration perform all operations such as API development, testing, authorization, access controls, traffic monitoring and reporting. These features enable effective management of the entire lifecycle of APIs. With API-based policies that can be added, issues such as speed limit and signature verification can be managed dynamically.
    • It provides a mechanism that converts SOAP APIs into REST API format. In this way, it becomes faster and easier for organizations to convert their existing services into APIs and the required workforce resource is effectively reduced.
    • With its Developer Portal and API Gateway features, it enables APIs to be easily discovered, tested and integrated.
  • Flexible Work Mechanism
    • Open Banking Platform and API Management Platform are installed on premise and provide integration between your organization and BKM GATE infrastructure.
    • SaaS usage option is also available as API Management Platform. You can benefit from Airapi with appropriate usage packages as SaaS without considering different needs such as system infrastructure, installation and system maintenance.
    • Airapi system components include Management Portal, Developer Portal, Identity Server and Gateway.
    • API Gateway and Developer Portal features enable developers to discover, test and effectively use APIs.
    • Management Portal is the core management platform for the product. It provides various functions and management screens required for product management.
    • Traffic management, authentication and security features ensure that APIs operate securely and efficiently.
    • It provides organizations with end-to-end API Management functions, allowing them to seamlessly manage their APIs.
Kuveyt Türk Logo
Neova Sigorta
Kt Bank
Ziraat Katılım
Emlak Katilim Logo
Vakif Katilim Logo
Golden Global Bank 1
Hepsipay Logo
Hayat Finans Son

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